The project

MiniDML is compiled and hosted by Cellule MathDoc

[See data sources]

< The goal of the project >

To collate in one place basic bibliographical data for any kind of mathematical digital article and make them accessible to the users through simple search or medata retrieval.

< The collections >

A proof-of-concept implementation is presented, based on a variety of sources of mathematical texts. The main emphasis is on long-run journals whose early production is widely unknown to MathSciNet / Jahrbuch+Zentralblatt-MATH, with special interest towards current production and preprints on the other end.

  • NUMDAM journals (currently : 18) and seminars (currently : 21);
  • CEDRAM Journals (current issues) (4)
  • One Gallica journal : Journal de mathématiques pures & appliquées (a.k.a. Liouville) up to 1880;
  • Gallica Complete works (Abel, Cauchy, Dirichlet, Fourier, Jacobi, Klein, Lagrange, Laguerre, Laplace, Möbius, Riemann);
  • Project Euclid journals (Duke, Adv. in Appl. Probab., etc.);
  • Math part of ArXiv.
  • Journals from ICM (Bibliotheca Wirtualna Matematyki)

< The documentation >

Introducing the mini-DML project
(article by Thierry Bouche [Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble] for the proceedings of the WDML workshop - Stockholm - June 27th 2004).

< The interface >

 e.g. : Siu or Laguerre or Liouville
Title words
 e.g. : interpolation

< The method >

Retrieval of internal metadata through OAI protocol :

  • From our home-grown catalogues (NUMDAM, collected works at Gallica) ...
  • From OAI servers (Euclid, arXiv)
  • Possibly from less structured sources (HTML tables of contents, OCRed tables of contents, ...)

Indexing with Edbm-2 (NUMDAM, JFP+ZM, LIMES, etc).

< The collaborations >

If you have scanned a long-run periodical, please provide :

  • a unique identifier for each article
  • structured basic metadata
  • a simple stable URL pointing towards an introductory HTML page for each article without restriction access
and set up an OAI server to share your effort !